Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Sun In The Morning On A Foggy Day

Grandbaby is truly the sun in the morning to me.
Everyday is something new.  She is starting to consider walking. But it is so much quicker at this point to crawl.
Happy day!  She crawls to her Nonni and wants to be held!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Precious Son

Precious Son rarely stays still long enough to get a picture for blogging.  Between college classes and working at a local bookstore, he is one busy guy. His new passion is his "fixie" bike.  He went to the local flea market and found the perfect bike to make into his "fixie".  At the time, I didn't know that this bike would have the brakes removed from it! Of course, he could not be the only one of his friends who would put brakes on their bike.  Who would have thought that brakes are so uncool? Anyway, after one threatened ticket for running a stop sign and a friend who was run over by two other "fixie" bikes, he is enjoying the thrill of it all. I am always just a bit relieved when his friends plan a long ride and Son has to work.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Darling Husband and I were alone on New Years Eve!  We had a massage at Happy Feet and then came home to a crab leg dinner. It was the perfect way to start the New Year.  My brother sent us some pears from Harry and David's.  I baked them and made a custard to pour over the top.  They were just right after our dinner. Being asleep well before midnight is a high priority!  A wonderful end to a very good year.